Data Analysis
We analyze data from different domains to solve real world problems. The data could be structured or unstructured. We will discuss the optimal ways to extract underlying feature details. Suggest us your problem statement and requirements as discussion topics. Check out our posts on data analysis here.
Machine Learning
We will discuss about Building Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models for Predictive Analysis and Generative Use Cases. We appreciate your recommendations on specific Models to discuss. Check out our posts on AI and Machine Learning here.
Application Development
One of our key discussion points is building applications to make Analytics and Artificial Intelligence useful in everyday life. We will keep adding new posts on making AI/ML based applications. Occasionally we will upload apps for demonstration purposes. We will look forward to collect topic requests from you. Check out our posts on App Development here.
Talk to us
Have any questions? We are open to talk about your business projects and creative opportunities and how we can help you.